Community-Based Organizations Representing Low-Income Residents

As an organization with a membership base focused on or working with low-income individuals, you have the potential to make a significant impact on the program by partnering with Subscriber Organizations. Developers and asset owners (referred to as Subscriber Organizations) may approach your organization with different terms and offers, leveraging the power of your numbers and providing additional benefits to your residents or potentially donations to your cause.

While these offers can be exciting, it is crucial to approach them with caution and prioritize consumer protection. Here are some key considerations for your organization:

  1. Evaluate offers carefully: Take the time to thoroughly review any offers presented to your organization. Ensure they align with your mission, values, and the principles of consumer protection.
  2. Prioritize your residents: Advocate for the best interests of your community members. Confirm that any accepted offers bring tangible benefits to the individuals you serve.
  3. Maintain consumer protection standards: Uphold the highest standards of consumer protection. Avoid agreements that compromise the rights or financial security of your residents.
  4. Seek expert guidance: If you have any doubts or questions about the terms presented, don’t hesitate to seek legal or financial advice. Expert guidance can help you make informed decisions and protect your members’ interests.

For more information and to engage with CSCNM’s initiatives, please visit their website or reach out to them directly at INFO@COALITIONSCNM.ORG. We are excited to collaborate with community-based organizations across New Mexico, alongside our partner, CSCNM. 

Dedicated Resources

We are also delighted to introduce our low-income partner in the New Mexico Community Solar Program, the Council of Sustainable Communities of New Mexico (CSCNM). CSCNM is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to representing and serving New Mexico’s cities and counties. CSCNM is committed to education and outreach, and they have developed initiatives specifically designed to support community-based organizations like yours:

  1. Online Training: CSCNM will be hosting training webinars tailored to New Mexico organizations, with a specific focus on those serving low-income families. These webinars will provide comprehensive information about community solar in general and the specific details of New Mexico’s community solar program. We strongly encourage your organization to sign up and take advantage of this valuable resource. Use this form to enroll.
  2. In-Person Community Education Sessions: CSCNM will collaborate with several community-based organizations to facilitate in-person education sessions in each of the three investor-owned service territories. These sessions will directly engage communities, equipping them with the necessary knowledge about community solar and its benefits.
  3. Low-Income Working Group: CSCNM has established a dedicated low-income working group exclusively for organizations serving low-income households in New Mexico. This group serves as a platform for committed organizations to provide ongoing feedback to the program administrators, offering valuable insights and recommendations to enhance low-income participation. If your organization is interested in being considered for participation in this working group, we encourage you to sign up using this form.

Community Solar Consumer Protection Information for Individuals  

As a community-based organization representing low-income residents, we encourage you to review our customer consumer protection page on our website. This page provides valuable information on mandated disclosures, sample forms, and additional considerations to keep in mind when evaluating community solar deals for your members. We understand the importance of ensuring transparency, fairness, and protection for low-income participants. By familiarizing yourself with the information provided, you can make informed decisions and advocate for the best interests of your members.